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Flame Retardant

Our newest liquid flame retardant is called Fire Stop 701, and it’s a significant improvement over existing products in two important areas:
  • Just a single product treats almost everything in your production so you don’t need to buy multiple products for different substrates
  • It simply prevents items from igniting in the first place as opposed to extinguishing an existing flame
Fire Stop 701 is the best spray-on flame retardant product we’ve ever tested and so we encourage you to try it for yourself. It has two sister products as well: Fire Stop E84 paint additive and Fire Stop XMS made especially for Xmas trees and foliage.
We're happy to guide your choices of fabrics and Flame Retardant (FR) chemicals to promote the safety of you and your audience. However, your local fire marshal or building inspector is the final authority for approval of these products. Treat and pre-test samples of all your substrates and have them approved by your local official PRIOR to installation. Save your FR chemical container (or at least the label) to show your Fire Marshal if requested. Rose Brand cannot be held responsible for decisions made by local authorities. However, we warrant that we have not misrepresented the manufacturers’ claims about the fabrics and chemicals that we sell.

Satisfactory fire resistance depends on proper identification of the substrate and proper application of the chemical according to the manufacturers’ directions. Rose Brand’s staff will be glad to assist you with approval procedures, product selection, and documentation requirements.

Click on these helpful links for more information:

Definitions: FR, IFR and NFR
How to Conduct a Safe Stage Show or Presentation
Field Test Procedures
Vertical vs Horizontal Fabric Flame Tests
NFPA 701 vs. NFPA 255 Test Standards
There are no labels on my drapes - what do I do?

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