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60" Iridescent Silky Chiffon, FR

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60" Iridescent Silky Chiffon, FR

A shimmering black warp, polyester microfiber chiffon for theatre, special events and costumes. Same color range as Iridescent Silky Charmeuse.
Sold by FULL ROLL (approx. 50 yards) ONLY.
Weight: .32 pounds per linear yard (60") and .25 pounds per linear yard (45")
FDNY reg. #4995
CAFM reg. #C-38.02

60" Iridescent Silky Chiffon, FR

A shimmering black warp, polyester microfiber chiffon for theatre, special events and costumes. Same color range as Iridescent Silky Charmeuse.
Sold by FULL ROLL (approx. 50 yards) ONLY.
Weight: .32 pounds per linear yard (60") and .25 pounds per linear yard (45")
FDNY reg. #4995
CAFM reg. #C-38.02

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