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Case Study: Storing a Large Main Curtain in a Tiny Off-stage Area

Chain Track shown stacking curtain off stage
Customized Chain Track, turns 180 degrees in just a 1" radius to gather curtains off-stage in a small footprint.

The crowning jewel of the Westminster School in Annandale, VA is its drama department. So when Artistic Concepts was hired to renovate the school’s auditorium, they engaged Rose Brand to manage the development and installation of the main stage and masking curtains. Two critical issues required resolution: How do you store a drawn, 90’ main curtain in the wings, within a terribly confining off-stage area? How do you produce and install two curtains within a budget that can only accommodate one?

Rose Brand conducted an on-site survey and designed a unique system for implementation by Artistic Concepts. The system used our Chain Track product, which enabled the motorized curtain to turn a 180 degree curve within a radius of just over 1 inch. It allowed the curtain to stack into a confined space, with a series of parallel tracks.

Chain Track also enabled us to deploy a double-sided curtain that served double-duty on stage. One side consisted of a custom dyed grape color main curtain, while the other side was black and used for mid-stage masking. Every time the curtain closed, the track allowed for a different side of the curtain to be revealed, as needed. The low maintenance system also allowed for wireless remote control and programmable curtain positioning.

In all, Rose Brand provided the system design, customized Chain Track product, custom curtains, installation supervision, and training for Artistic Concepts to install and maintain the system long-term.

Contact us at 1-800-223-1624 or customerservice@rosebrand.com for more information or estimates on your particular project.

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