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See our new, uniquely designed Rental Backdrops. Eight styles to match any occasion.

ShowLED Starlight LED Curtains

ShowLED Starlight panels create a more realistic star field, with smaller pinpoints, shimmering apertures, and mini-constellations. They're available with either classic blue-white LEDs or LEDs that display RGB colors. In interactive environments like a museum, the unique optics create a sense of movement as an audience member’s field of view changes. The random layout patterns are pre-installed and ready to hang, and multiple ShowLED Starlight panels will coordinate beautifully together to create a seamless, expansive starfield reminiscent of a fiber optic drop but without the effort, expense and maintenance!

ShowLED Star Drops make it easy for you to quickly add a classic "twinkling" background to any event - from holiday productions to corporate meetings and private parties. The modular panels are easy to set up, configure and transport saving both time and money! The ConBox Controller allows you to select from a variety of pre-built effects sequences or to program and save your own. For large drops, multiple Conbox Controllers can be linked together.

The blue/white, 5mm LEDs used in ShowLED Starlight are lightweight and durable. The flexible strings of LEDs are attached via industrial hook/loop patches to a durable IFR Velour drape lined to prevent snags and snarls during transportation and set up. ShowLED Drapes are available in a variety of widths and heights, or customized to your specifications.

Call 800-223-1624 for more info or request a quote online.

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