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See our new, uniquely designed Rental Backdrops. Eight styles to match any occasion.


For decades, Rose Brand has played a leading role in making our customers’ productions look their very best. The portfolio below is organized into six sections, each with numerous projects from which you can view photography and a brief description. Choose the section of interest from the links below:
Theatrical Curtains
Theatrical Scenic Treatments
Event Fabrics In Use
Projection Surfaces
Digital Printing On Seamless Fabrics Up To 160'x16'
Cool Projects That Don't Fit Into The Above Categories

Custom Stage Rigging

Rose Brand helped renovate all the stage rigging in a school built in the 1960's.

Recently, Newark Academy, for whom we had made stage curtains in the past, contacted us to ask us to help renovate their stage. Given that the school was built in the 1960s, the stage rigging needed to be brought up to modern day standards. Rose Brand supplied both new rigging equipment and installation services.

After we did an on-sight inspection, Rose Brand upgraded the rigging from single purchase line sets to double purchase line sets with a steel framework locking rail. This provided more usable stage height by allowing the battens to trim out higher. We also mounted the new winches and anchored the locking rail to the concrete floor for greater security. Rose Brand provided new equipment and installation services. Read more here.